Klicke in der oberen rechten Ecke einer beliebigen Seite auf Dein Profilfoto und klicke dann auf Settings (Einstellungen).
Klicke auf der linken Seitenleiste auf Developer settings (Entwicklereinstellungen).
In the left sidebar, click OAuth Apps.
Click New OAuth App.
Note: If you haven't created an app before, this button will say, Register a new application.
In "Application name", type the name of your app.
Warning: Only use information in your OAuth app that you consider public. Avoid using sensitive data, such as internal URLs, when creating an OAuth App.
In "Homepage URL", type the full URL to your app's website.
Optionally, in "Application description", type a description of your app that users will see.
In "Authorization callback URL", type the callback URL of your app.
Klicke auf Register application (Anwendung registrieren).
Artikelversion: Enterprise Server 2.18
Creating an OAuth App
You can create and register an OAuth App under your personal account or under any organization you have administrative access to. While creating your OAuth app, remember to protect your privacy by only using information you consider public.