Server-to-server requests
发出服务器-服务器请求的 GitHub 应用程序 使用安装的最低速率限制为每小时 5,000 个请求。 具有 20 个以上用户的组织安装每小时每个用户将再收到 50 个请求。 具有 20 个以上仓库的安装每小时会为每个仓库再接收 50 个请求。 安装的最大速率限制为每小时 12,500 个请求。
User-to-server requests
GitHub 应用程序s can also act on behalf of a user, making user-to-server requests.
User-to-server requests are rate limited at 5,000 requests per hour and per authenticated user. All OAuth applications authorized by that user, personal access tokens owned by that user, and requests authenticated with that user's username and password share the same quota of 5,000 requests per hour for that user.
For more detailed information about rate limits, see "Rate limiting" for REST API and "Resource limitations" for GraphQL API.