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このバージョンの GitHub Enterprise はこの日付をもって終了となりました: 2022-06-03. 重大なセキュリティの問題に対してであっても、パッチリリースは作成されません。 パフォーマンスの向上、セキュリティの改善、新機能のためには、最新バージョンのGitHub Enterpriseにアップグレードしてく� さい。 アップグレードに関する支援については、GitHub Enterprise supportに連絡してく� さい。

Audit log events for your enterprise


Learn about audit log events recorded for your enterprise.

Enterprise owners and site administrators can interact with the audit log.

artifact category actions

artifact.destroyA workflow run artifact was manually deleted.


business.add_adminAn enterprise owner or site administrator was added to an enterprise.
business.add_organizationAn organization was added to an enterprise.
business.advanced_security_policy_updateAn enterprise owner or site administrator created, updated, or removed a policy for GitHub Advanced Security. 詳しい情� �については「EnterpriseでのAdvanced Securityのポリシーの施行」を参照してく� さい。
business.clear_actions_settingsAn enterprise owner or site administrator cleared GitHub Actions policy settings for an enterprise. For more information, see "Enforcing policies for GitHub Actions in your enterprise."
business.clear_default_repository_permissionAn enterprise owner or site administrator cleared the base repository permission policy setting for an enterprise. For more information, see "Enforcing a policy for base repository permissions."
business.disable_two_factor_requirementThe requirement for members to have two-factor authentication enabled to access an enterprise was disabled.
business.enable_two_factor_requirementThe requirement for members to have two-factor authentication enabled to access an enterprise was enabled.
business.members_can_update_protected_branches.clearAn enterprise owner or site administrator unset a policy for whether members of an enterprise can update protected branches on repositories for individual organizations. Organization administrators can choose whether to allow updating protected branches settings.
business.remove_organizationAn organization was removed from an enterprise.
business.rename_slugThe slug for the enterprise URL was renamed.
business.set_actions_retention_limitThe retention period for GitHub Actions artifacts and logs was changed for an enterprise. For more information, see "Enforcing policies for GitHub Actions in an enterprise."
business.set_fork_pr_workflows_policyThe policy for workflows on private repository forks was changed. For more information, see "Enabling workflows for private repository forks."
business.update_actions_settingsAn enterprise owner or site administrator updated GitHub Actions policy settings for an enterprise. For more information, see "Enforcing policies for GitHub Actions in your enterprise."
business.update_default_repository_permissionThe base repository permission setting was updated for all organizations in an enterprise. For more information, see "Enforcing a policy for base repository permissions."

checks category actions

checks.auto_trigger_disabledAutomatic creation of check suites was disabled on a repository in the organization or enterprise. For more information, see "Update repository preferences for check suites."
checks.auto_trigger_enabledAutomatic creation of check suites was enabled on a repository in the organization or enterprise. For more information, see "Update repository preferences for check suites."

config_entry category actions

config_entry.createA configuration setting was created. These events are only visible in the site admin audit log. The type of events recorded relate to:
- Enterprise settings and policies
- Organization and repository permissions and settings
- Git, Git LFS, GitHub Connect, GitHub Packages, project, and code security settings.
config_entry.destroyA configuration setting was deleted. These events are only visible in the site admin audit log. The type of events recorded relate to:
- Enterprise settings and policies
- Organization and repository permissions and settings
- Git, Git LFS, GitHub Connect, GitHub Packages, project, and code security settings.
config_entry.updateA configuration setting was edited. These events are only visible in the site admin audit log. The type of events recorded relate to:
- Enterprise settings and policies
- Organization and repository permissions and settings
- Git, Git LFS, GitHub Connect, GitHub Packages, project, and code security settings.

dependency_graph カテゴリアクション

dependency_graph.disableAn enterprise owner or site administrator disabled the dependency graph for all existing repositories. 詳しい情� �については「Organizatonのためのセキュリティ及び分析設定の管理」を参照してく� さい。
dependency_graph.enableAn enterprise owner or site administrator enabled the dependency graph for all existing repositories.

dependency_graph_new_repos カテゴリアクション

dependency_graph_new_repos.disableAn enterprise owner or site administrator disabled the dependency graph for all new repositories. 詳しい情� �については「Organizatonのためのセキュリティ及び分析設定の管理」を参照してく� さい。
dependency_graph_new_repos.enableAn enterprise owner or site administrator enabled the dependency graph for all new repositories.

dotcom_connection category actions

dotcom_connection.createA GitHub Connect connection to was created.
dotcom_connection.destroyA GitHub Connect connection to was deleted.
dotcom_connection.token_updatedThe GitHub Connect connection token for was updated.
dotcom_connection.upload_license_usageGitHub Enterprise Server license usage was manually uploaded to GitHub Enterprise Cloud.
dotcom_connection.upload_usage_metricsGitHub Enterprise Server usage metrics were uploaded to

enterprise カテゴリアクション

enterprise.config.disable_anonymous_git_accessAn enterprise owner or site administrator disabled anonymous Git read access for repositories in the enterprise. 詳しい情� �については、「Enterprise でリポジトリ管理ポリシーを適用する」を参照してく� さい。
enterprise.config.enable_anonymous_git_accessAn enterprise owner or site administrator enabled anonymous Git read access for repositories in the enterprise. 詳しい情� �については、「Enterprise でリポジトリ管理ポリシーを適用する」を参照してく� さい。
enterprise.config.lock_anonymous_git_accessAn enterprise owner or site administrator locked anonymous Git read access to prevent repository admins from changing existing anonymous Git read access settings for repositories in the enterprise. 詳しい情� �については、「Enterprise でリポジトリ管理ポリシーを適用する」を参照してく� さい。
enterprise.config.unlock_anonymous_git_accessAn enterprise owner or site administrator unlocked anonymous Git read access to allow repository admins to change existing anonymous Git read access settings for repositories in the enterprise. 詳しい情� �については、「Enterprise でリポジトリ管理ポリシーを適用する」を参照してく� さい。
enterprise.register_self_hosted_runnerA new GitHub Actions self-hosted runner was registered. 詳しい情� �については、「リポジトリにセルフホストランナーを追� する」を参照してく� さい。
enterprise.remove_self_hosted_runnerA GitHub Actions self-hosted runner was removed. 詳しい情� �については、「リポジトリからランナーを削除する」を参照してく� さい。
enterprise.runner_group_createdA GitHub Actions self-hosted runner group was created. 詳しい情� �については、「Organization のセルフホストランナーグループを作成する」を参照してく� さい。
enterprise.runner_group_removedA GitHub Actions self-hosted runner group was removed. 詳しい情� �については「セルフホストランナーグループの削除」を参照してく� さい。
enterprise.runner_group_renamedA GitHub Actions self-hosted runner group was renamed. 詳しい情� �については「セルフホストランナーグループのアクセスポリシーの変更」を参照してく� さい。
enterprise.runner_group_updatedThe configuration of a GitHub Actions self-hosted runner group was changed. 詳しい情� �については「セルフホストランナーグループのアクセスポリシーの変更」を参照してく� さい。
enterprise.runner_group_runner_removedThe REST API was used to remove a GitHub Actions self-hosted runner from a group. 詳しい情� �については、「Organization のグループからセルフホストランナーを削除する」を参照してく� さい。
enterprise.runner_group_runners_addedA GitHub Actions self-hosted runner was added to a group. 詳しい情� �については、「セルフホストランナーをグループに移動する」を参照してく� さい。
enterprise.runner_group_runners_updatedA GitHub Actions runner group's list of members was updated. 詳しい情� �については「Organizationのグループ内にセルフホストランナーをセットする」を参照してく� さい。
enterprise.self_hosted_runner_updatedThe GitHub Actions runner application was updated. REST API及びUIを使って見ることができます。JSON/CSVエクスポートで見ることはできません。 詳しい情� �については「セルフホストランナーについて」を参照してく� さい。

gist category actions

gist.createA gist is created.
gist.destroyA gist is deleted.
gist.visibility_changeThe visibility of a gist is changed.

hook カテゴリアクション

hook.active_changedA hook's active status was updated.
hook.config_changedA hook's configuration was changed.

integration category actions

integration.createAn integration was created.
integration.destroyAn integration was deleted.
integration.manager_addedA member of an enterprise or organization was added as an integration manager.
integration.manager_removedA member of an enterprise or organization was removed from being an integration manager.
integration.transferOwnership of an integration was transferred to another user or organization.
integration.remove_client_secretA client secret for an integration was removed.
integration.revoke_all_tokensAll user tokens for an integration were requested to be revoked.
integration.revoke_tokensToken(s) for an integration were revoked.

integration_installationcategory actions

integration_installation.contact_email_changedA contact email for an integration was changed.
integration_installation.createAn integration was installed.
integration_installation.destroyAn integration was uninstalled.
integration_installation.repositories_addedRepositories were added to an integration.
integration_installation.repositories_removedRepositories were removed from an integration.
integration_installation.version_updatedPermissions for an integration were updated.

integration_installation_request カテゴリアクション

integration_installation_request.createAn member requested that an owner install an integration for use in an enterprise or organization.
integration_installation_request.closeA request to install an integration for use in an enterprise or organization was either approved or denied by an owner, or canceled by the member who opened the request.

issue カテゴリアクション

issue.destroyIssue がリポジトリから削除されました。 詳しい情� �については、「>Issue を削除する」を参照してく� さい。
issue.pinnedAn issue was pinned to a repository. 詳細は「Issue をリポジトリにピン止めする」を参照してく� さい。
issue.transferAn issue was transferred to another repository. 詳細は「他のリポジトリへ Issue を移譲する」を参照してく� さい。
issue.unpinnedAn issue was unpinned from a repository. 詳細は「Issue をリポジトリにピン止めする」を参照してく� さい。

issue_comment category actions

issue_comment.destroyA comment on an issue was deleted from the repository.
issue_comment.pinnedA comment on an issue was pinned to a repository.
issue_comment.unpinnedA comment on an issue was unpinned from a repository.
issue_comment.updateIssue (最初以外)のコメントが変更されました。

issues category actions

issues.deletes_disabledThe ability for enterprise members to delete issues was disabled. Members cannot delete issues in any organizations in an enterprise. For more information, see "Enforcing a policy for deleting issues."
issues.deletes_enabledThe ability for enterprise members to delete issues was enabled. Members can delete issues in any organizations in an enterprise. For more information, see "Enforcing a policy for deleting issues."
issues.deletes_policy_clearedAn enterprise owner or site administrator cleared the policy setting for allowing members to delete issues in an enterprise. For more information, see "Enforcing a policy for deleting issues."

members_can_create_pages カテゴリアクション

members_can_create_pages.disableThe ability for members to publish GitHub Pages was disabled. Members cannot publish GitHub Pages in an organization. For more information, see "Managing the publication of GitHub Pages sites for your organization."
members_can_create_pages.enableThe ability for members to publish GitHub Pages was enabled. Members can publish GitHub Pages in an organization. For more information, see "Managing the publication of GitHub Pages sites for your organization."

members_can_create_private_pages category actions

members_can_create_private_pages.disableThe ability for members to publish private GitHub Pages was disabled. Members cannot publish private GitHub Pages in an organization. For more information, see "Managing the publication of GitHub Pages sites for your organization."
members_can_create_private_pages.enableThe ability for members to publish private GitHub Pages was enabled. Members can publish private GitHub Pages in an organization. For more information, see "Managing the publication of GitHub Pages sites for your organization."

members_can_create_public_pages category actions

members_can_create_public_pages.disableThe ability for members to publish public GitHub Pages was disabled. Members cannot publish public GitHub Pages in an organization. For more information, see "Managing the publication of GitHub Pages sites for your organization."
members_can_create_public_pages.enableThe ability for members to publish public GitHub Pages was enabled. Members can publish public GitHub Pages in an organization. For more information, see "Managing the publication of GitHub Pages sites for your organization."

members_can_delete_repos category actions

members_can_delete_repos.clearAn enterprise owner or site administrator cleared the policy setting for deleting or transfering repositories in any organizations in an enterprise. For more information, see "Enforcing a policy for repository deletion and transfer."
members_can_delete_repos.disableThe ability for enterprise members to delete repositories was disabled. Members cannot delete or transfer repositories in any organizations in an enterprise. For more information, see "Enforcing a policy for repository deletion and transfer."
members_can_delete_repos.enableThe ability for enterprise members to delete repositories was enabled. Members can delete or transfer repositories in any organizations in an enterprise. For more information, see "Enforcing a policy for repository deletion and transfer."

members_can_view_dependency_insights category actions

members_can_view_dependency_insights.clearAn enterprise owner or site administrator cleared the policy setting for viewing dependency insights in any organizations in an enterprise.
members_can_view_dependency_insights.disableThe ability for enterprise members to view dependency insights was disabled. Members cannot view dependency insights in any organizations in an enterprise.
members_can_view_dependency_insights.enableThe ability for enterprise members to view dependency insights was enabled. Members can view dependency insights in any organizations in an enterprise.

migration category actions

migration.createA migration file was created for transferring data from a source location (such as a organization or a GitHub Enterprise Server instance) to a target GitHub Enterprise Server instance.
migration.destroy_fileA migration file for transferring data from a source location (such as a organization or a GitHub Enterprise Server instance) to a target GitHub Enterprise Server instance was deleted.
migration.downloadA migration file for transferring data from a source location (such as a organization or a GitHub Enterprise Server instance) to a target GitHub Enterprise Server instance was downloaded.

oauth_access カテゴリアクション


oauth_access.create | An OAuth access token was generated for a user account. 詳しい情� �については、「個人アクセストークンを作成する」を参照してく� さい。 oauth_access.destroy | An OAuth access token was deleted from a user account.

oauth_application カテゴリアクション

oauth_application.createAn OAuth application was created for a user or organization account.
oauth_application.destroyOAuth applicationがユーザまたは Organization のアカウントから削除されました。
oauth_application.reset_secretAn OAuth application's secret key was reset.
oauth_application.revoke_tokensToken(s) for an OAuth application were revoked.
oauth_application.unsuspendAn OAuth application was unsuspended for a user or organization account.

org カテゴリアクション

org.accept_business_invitationAn invitation sent to an organization to join an enterprise was accepted.
org.add_billing_managerA billing manager was added to an organization.
org.add_memberA user joined an organization.
org.advanced_security_disabled_for_new_reposGitHub Advanced Security was disabled for new repositories in an organization.
org.async_deleteA user initiated a background job to delete an organization.
org.block_userAn organization owner blocked a user from accessing the organization's repositories.
org.config.disable_collaborators_onlyThe interaction limit for collaborators only for an organization was disabled.
org.create_actions_secretA GitHub Actions secret was created for an organization. 詳しい情� �については、「Organization の暗号化されたシークレットを作成する」を参照してく� さい。
org.create_integration_secretA Dependabot integration secret was created for an organization.
org.disable_two_factor_requirementAn organization owner disabled a two-factor authentication requirement for all members and outside collaborators in an organization.
org.display_commenter_full_name_disabledAn organization owner disabled the display of a commenter's full name in an organization. Members cannot see a comment author's full name.
org.enable_two_factor_requirementAn organization owner requires two-factor authentication for all members and outside collaborators in an organization.
org.integration_manager_addedAn organization owner granted a member access to manage all GitHub Apps owned by an organization.
org.recreateAn organization was restored.
org.runner_group_createdA self-hosted runner group was created. 詳しい情� �については、「Organization のセルフホストランナーグループを作成する」を参照してく� さい。
org.runner_group_updatedThe configuration of a self-hosted runner group was changed. 詳しい情� �については「セルフホストランナーグループのアクセスポリシーの変更」を参照してく� さい。
org.self_hosted_runner_updatedThe runner application was updated. REST API及びUIを使って見ることができます。JSON/CSVエクスポートで見ることはできません。 詳しい情� �については「セルフホストランナーについて」を参照してく� さい。
org.set_actions_retention_limitThe retention period for GitHub Actions artifacts and logs in an organization was changed. For more information, see "Configuring the retention period for GitHub Actions artifacts and logs in your organization."
org.set_fork_pr_workflows_policyThe policy for workflows on private repository forks was changed. For more information, see "Enabling workflows for private repository forks."
org.sso_responseA SAML single sign-on response was generated when a member attempted to authenticate with an organization.
org.transformA user account was converted into an organization. For more information, see "Converting a user into an organization."
org.unblock_userAn organization owner unblocked a user from an organization.
org.update_actions_secretA GitHub Actions secret was updated.
org.update_integration_secretA Dependabot integration secret was updated for an organization.

org_credential_authorization カテゴリアクション

org_credential_authorization.deauthorizedA member deauthorized credentials for use with SAML single sign-on.
org_credential_authorization.grantA member authorized credentials for use with SAML single sign-on.
org_credential_authorization.revokeAn owner revoked authorized credentials.

organization_default_label category actions

organization_default_label.createA default label for repositories in an organization was created. For more information, see "Creating a default label."
organization_default_label.updateA default label for repositories in an organization was edited. For more information, see "Editing a default label."
organization_default_label.destroyA default label for repositories in an organization was deleted. For more information, see "Deleting a default label."

packages カテゴリアクション

packages.insecure_hashMaven published an insecure hash for a specific package version.
packages.package_deletedA package was deleted from an organization.
packages.package_publishedA package was published or republished to an organization.
packages.package_restoredAn entire package was restored.
packages.package_version_deletedA specific package version was deleted.
packages.package_version_publishedA specific package version was published or republished to a package.
packages.package_version_restoredA specific package version was deleted.
packages.part_uploadA specific package version was partially uploaded to an organization.
packages.upstream_package_fetchedA specific package version was fetched from the npm upstream proxy.
packages.version_downloadA specific package version was downloaded.
packages.version_uploadA specific package version was uploaded.

pre_receive_environment category actions

pre_receive_environment.createA pre-receive hook environment was created. For more information, see "Creating a pre-receive hook environment."
pre_receive_environment.destroyA pre-receive hook environment was deleted. For more information, see "Creating a pre-receive hook environment."
pre_receive_environment.downloadA pre-receive hook environment was downloaded. For more information, see "Creating a pre-receive hook environment."
pre_receive_environment.updateA pre-receive hook environment was updated. For more information, see "Creating a pre-receive hook environment."

pre_receive_hook category actions

pre_receive_hook.createA pre-receive hook was created. For more information, see "Creating pre-receive hooks."
pre_receive_hook.destroyA pre-receive hook was deleted. For more information, see "Deleting pre-receive hooks."
pre_receive_hook.enforcementA pre-receive hook enforcement setting allowing repository and organization administrators to override the hook configuration was enabled or disabled. For more information, see "Managing pre-receive hooks on the GitHub Enterprise Server appliance."
pre_receive_hook.rejected_pushA pre-receive hook rejected a push.
pre_receive_hook.updateA pre-receive hook was created. For more information, see "Editing pre-receive hooks."
pre_receive_hook.warned_pushA pre-receive hook warned about a push.

private_repository_forking category actions

private_repository_forking.clearAn enterprise owner or site administrator cleared the policy setting for allowing forks of private and internal repositories, for a repository, organization or enterprise. For more information, see "Managing the forking policy for your repository, "Managing the forking policy for your organization and for enterprises "Enforcing a policy for forking private or internal repositories."
private_repository_forking.disableAn enterprise owner or site administrator disabled the policy setting for allowing forks of private and internal repositories, for a repository, organization or enterprise. Private and internal repositories are never allowed to be forked. For more information, see "Managing the forking policy for your repository, "Managing the forking policy for your organization and for enterprises "Enforcing a policy for forking private or internal repositories."
private_repository_forking.enableAn enterprise owner or site administrator enabled the policy setting for allowing forks of private and internal repositories, for a repository, organization or enterprise. Private and internal repositories are always allowed to be forked. For more information, see "Managing the forking policy for your repository, "Managing the forking policy for your organization and for enterprises "Enforcing a policy for forking private or internal repositories."

project カテゴリアクション

project.accessA project board visibility was changed. 詳細は「プロジェクトボードの可視性を変更する」を参照してく� さい。
project.closeA project board was closed. 詳しい情� �についてはプロジェクトボードのクローズを参照してく� さい。
project.createA project board was created. 詳しい情� �についてはプロジェクトボードの作成を参照してく� さい。
project.deleteA project board was deleted. For more information, see "Deleting a project board."
project.linkA repository was linked to a project board. 詳しい情� �については、「リポジトリをプロジェクトボードにリンクする」を参照してく� さい。
project.openA project board was reopened. For more information, see "Reopening a closed project board."
project.renameA project board was renamed. For more information, see "Editing a project board."
project.unlinkA repository was unlinked from a project board. 詳しい情� �については、「リポジトリをプロジェクトボードにリンクする」を参照してく� さい。
project.update_org_permissionThe project's base-level permission for all organization members was changed or removed. 詳細は「Organization メンバーのプロジェクトボードへのアクセスを管理する」を参照してく� さい。
project.update_team_permissionA team's project board permission level was changed or when a team was added or removed from a project board. For more information, see "Managing team access to an organization project board."
project.update_user_permissionAn organization member or outside collaborator was added to or removed from a project board or had their permission level changed. For more information, see "Managing an individual’s access to an organization project board."

protected_branch カテゴリアクション

protected_branch.createBranch protection was enabled on a branch.
protected_branch.destroyBranch protection was disabled on a branch.
protected_branch.dismiss_stale_reviewsEnforcement of dismissing stale pull requests was updated on a branch.
protected_branch.dismissal_restricted_users_teamsEnforcement of restricting users and/or teams who can dismiss reviews was updated on a branch.
protected_branch.policy_overrideA branch protection requirement was overridden by a repository administrator.
protected_branch.update_allow_deletions_enforcement_levelEnforcement of allowing users with push access to delete matching branches was updated on a branch.
protected_branch.update_pull_request_reviews_enforcement_levelEnforcement of required pull request reviews was updated on a branch. 0(無効化)、1(非管理者)、2(全員)のいずれか。

public_key カテゴリアクション

public_key.createSSHキーがユーザアカウントに追� されたかデプロイキーがリポジトリに追� されました。
public_key.updateユーザアカウントの SSH キーまたはリポジトリのデプロイキーが更新されました。
public_key.unverification_failureA user account's SSH key or a repository's deploy key was unable to be unverified.
public_key.unverifyA user account's SSH key or a repository's deploy key was unverified.
public_key.verification_failureA user account's SSH key or a repository's deploy key was unable to be verified.
public_key.verifyA user account's SSH key or a repository's deploy key was verified.

repo カテゴリアクション

repo.accessリポジトリの可視性がプライベート、パブリック、 または内部に変更されました。
repo.actions_enabledGitHub Actions was enabled for a repository.
repo.add_memberリポジトリにコラボレーターが追� されました。
repo.add_topicA topic was added to a repository.
repo.advanced_security_disabledGitHub Advanced Security was disabled for a repository.
repo.advanced_security_enabledGitHub Advanced Security was enabled for a repository.
repo.advanced_security_policy_selected_member_disabledA repository administrator prevented GitHub Advanced Security features from being enabled for a repository.
repo.advanced_security_policy_selected_member_enabledA repository administrator allowed GitHub Advanced Security features to be enabled for a repository.
repo.archivedリポジトリがアーカイブされました。 詳しい情� �については、「GitHub のリポジトリをアーカイブする」を参照してく� さい。
repo.code_scanning_analysis_deletedCode scanning analysis for a repository was deleted. For more information, see "Delete a code scanning analysis from a repository."
repo.change_merge_settingPull request merge options were changed for a repository.
repo.clear_actions_settingsA repository administrator cleared GitHub Actions policy settings for a repository.
repo.configA repository administrator blocked force pushes. 詳しくは、 リポジトリへのフォースプッシュのブロックを参照してく� さい。
repo.config.disable_anonymous_git_accessAnonymous Git read access was disabled for a repository. 詳細は「リポジトリに対する匿名 Git 読み取りアクセスを有効化する」を参照してく� さい。
repo.createA repository was created.
repo.disk_archiveA repository was archived on disk. For more information, see "Archiving repositories."
repo.download_zipA source code archive of a repository was downloaded as a ZIP file.
repo.set_actions_retention_limitThe retention period for GitHub Actions artifacts and logs in a repository was changed. 詳しい情� �については「GitHub Actionsの成果物とログの保持期間をリポジトリで設定する」を参照してく� さい。
repo.staff_unlockAn enterprise administrator or GitHub staff (with permission from a repository administrator) temporarily unlocked the repository.

repository_image category actions

repository_image.createAn image to represent a repository was uploaded.
repository_image.destroyAn image to represent a repository was deleted.

repository_invitation category actions

repository_invitation.acceptAn invitation to join a repository was accepted.
repository_invitation.createAn invitation to join a repository was sent.
repository_invitation.rejectAn invitation to join a repository was canceled.

repository_projects_change category actions

repository_projects_change.clearThe repository projects policy was removed for an organization, or all organizations in the enterprise. Organization admins can now control their repository projects settings. For more information, see "Enforcing project board policies in your enterprise."
repository_projects_change.disableRepository projects were disabled for a repository, all repositories in an organization, or all organizations in an enterprise.
repository_projects_change.enableRepository projects were enabled for a repository, all repositories in an organization, or all organizations in an enterprise.

repository_secret_scanning カテゴリアクション

repository_secret_scanning.disableA repository owner or administrator disabled secret scanning for a repository. 詳しい情� �については、「シークレットスキャニングについて」を参照してく� さい。
repository_secret_scanning.enableA repository owner or administrator enabled secret scanning for a repository.

repository_visibility_change category actions

repository_visibility_change.clearThe repository visibility change setting was cleared for an organization or enterprise. For more information, see "Restricting repository visibility changes in your organization" and "Enforcing a policy for changes to repository visibility for an enterprise."
repository_visibility_change.disableThe ability for enterprise members to update a repository's visibility was disabled. Members are unable to change repository visibilities in an organization, or all organizations in an enterprise.
repository_visibility_change.enableThe ability for enterprise members to update a repository's visibility was enabled. Members are able to change repository visibilities in an organization, or all organizations in an enterprise.

repository_vulnerability_alert カテゴリアクション

repository_vulnerability_alert.createGitHub Enterprise Server created a Dependabot alert for a repository that uses an insecure dependency. 詳しい情� �については「Dependabotアラートについて」を参照してく� さい。
repository_vulnerability_alert.dismissAn organization owner or repository administrator dismissed a Dependabot alert about a vulnerable dependency.
repository_vulnerability_alert.resolveSomeone with write access to a repository pushed changes to update and resolve a Dependabot alert in a project dependency.

required_status_check category actions

required_status_check.createA status check was marked as required for a protected branch. For more information, see "Require status checks before merging."
required_status_check.destroyA status check was no longer marked as required for a protected branch. For more information, see "Require status checks before merging."

secret_scanning カテゴリアクション

secret_scanning.disableAn organization owner disabled secret scanning for all existing repositories. 詳しい情� �については、「シークレットスキャニングについて」を参照してく� さい。
secret_scanning.enableAn organization owner enabled secret scanning for all existing repositories.

secret_scanning_new_repos カテゴリアクション

secret_scanning_new_repos.disableAn organization owner disabled secret scanning for all new repositories. 詳しい情� �については、「シークレットスキャニングについて」を参照してく� さい。
secret_scanning_new_repos.enableAn organization owner enabled secret scanning for all new repositories.

security_key category actions

security_key.registerA security key was registered for an account.
security_key.removeA security key was removed from an account.

ssh_certificate_authority category actions

ssh_certificate_authority.createAn SSH certificate authority for an organization or enterprise was created. For more information, see "Managing your organization's SSH certificate authorities" and "Managing SSH certificate authorities for your enterprise."
ssh_certificate_authority.destroyAn SSH certificate authority for an organization or enterprise was deleted. For more information, see "Managing your organization's SSH certificate authorities" and "Managing SSH certificate authorities for your enterprise."

ssh_certificate_requirement category actions

ssh_certificate_requirement.enableThe requirement for members to use SSH certificates to access an organization resources was enabled. For more information, see "Managing your organization's SSH certificate authorities" and "Managing SSH certificate authorities for your enterprise."
ssh_certificate_requirement.disableThe requirement for members to use SSH certificates to access an organization resources was disabled. For more information, see "Managing your organization's SSH certificate authorities" and "Managing SSH certificate authorities for your enterprise."

staff category actions

staff.disable_repoAn organization, repository or site administrator disabled access to a repository and all of its forks.
staff.enable_repoAn organization, repository or site administrator re-enabled access to a repository and all of its forks.
staff.repo_lockAn organization, repository or site administrator locked (temporarily gained full access to) a user's private repository.
staff.search_audit_logA site administrator performed a search of the site admin audit log.
staff.set_domain_token_expirationA site administrator or GitHub staff set the verification code expiry time for an organization or enterprise domain.
staff.unlockA site administrator unlocked (temporarily gained full access to) all of a user's private repositories.
staff.view_audit_logA site administrator viewed the site admin audit log.

team カテゴリアクション

team.add_memberA member of an organization was added to a team. For more information, see "Adding organization members to a team."
team.add_repositoryA team was given access and permissions to a repository.
team.change_parent_teamA child team was created or a child team's parent was changed. For more information, see "Moving a team in your organization’s hierarchy."
team.change_privacyA team's privacy level was changed. For more information, see "Changing team visibility."
team.createユーザアカウントまたはリポジトリが Team に追� されました。
team.deleteユーザアカウントまたはリポジトリが Team から削除されました。
team.demote_maintainerA user was demoted from a team maintainer to a team member.
team.remove_memberA member of an organization was removed from a team. For more information, see "Removing organization members from a team."

team_discussions カテゴリアクション

team_discussions.clearAn organization owner cleared the setting to allow team discussions for an organization or enterprise.
team_discussions.disableAn organization owner disabled team discussions for an organization. For more information, see "Disabling team discussions for your organization."
team_discussions.enableAn organization owner enabled team discussions for an organization.

two_factor_authentication カテゴリアクション

two_factor_authentication.disabledTwo-factor authentication was disabled for a user account.
two_factor_authentication.enabledTwo-factor authentication was enabled for a user account.
two_factor_authentication.password_reset_fallback_smsA one-time password code was sent to a user account fallback phone number.
two_factor_authentication.recovery_codes_regeneratedTwo factor recovery codes were regenerated for a user account.
two_factor_authentication.sign_in_fallback_smsA one-time password code was sent to a user account fallback phone number.
two_factor_authentication.update_fallbackThe two-factor authentication fallback for a user account was changed.

user カテゴリアクション

user.add_emailユーザアカウントにメールアドレスが追� されました。
user.async_deleteAn asynchronous job was started to destroy a user account, eventually triggering a user.delete event.
user.audit_log_exportAudit log entries were exported.
user.block_userA user was blocked by another user or a site administrator.
user.creation_rate_limit_exceededThe rate of creation of user accounts, applications, issues, pull requests or other resources exceeded the configured rate limits, or too many users were followed too quickly.
user.demoteA site administrator was demoted to an ordinary user account.
user.destroyA user deleted his or her account, triggering user.async_delete.
user.mandatory_message_viewedA user viewed a mandatory message. For more information see "Customizing user messages for your enterprise" for details."
user.minimize_commentA comment made by a user was minimized.
user.promoteAn ordinary user account was promoted to a site administrator.
user.recreateA user's account was restored.

user_license category actions

user_license.createA seat license for a user in an enterprise was created.
user_license.destroyA seat license for a user in an enterprise was deleted.
user_license.updateA seat license type for a user in an enterprise was changed.