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Esta versión de GitHub Enterprise se discontinuó el 2022-10-12. No se realizarán lanzamientos de patch, ni siquiera para problemas de seguridad críticos. Para obtener rendimiento mejorado, seguridad mejorada y nuevas características, actualice a la versión más reciente de GitHub Enterprise. Para obtener ayuda con la actualización, póngase en contacto con el soporte técnico de GitHub Enterprise.

Be social

You can interact with people, repositories, and organizations on GitHub. See what others are working on and who they are connecting with from your personal dashboard.

To learn about accessing your personal dashboard, see "About your personal dashboard."

Following people

When you follow someone on GitHub, you will get notifications on your personal dashboard about their public activity. If someone you follow creates a new repository, stars a repository, or follows another user, the activity will display in your dashboard.

Click Follow on a person's profile page to follow them.

Follow user button

For more information, see "Following people."

Watching a repository

You can subscribe to a repository to watch it and receive notifications for activity in it. When the owner updates the repository, you will see the changes in your personal dashboard. For more information, see "Viewing your subscriptions."

Click Watch at the top of a repository to watch it.

Watch repository button

Joining the conversation

Puedes contactar con desarrolladores de todo el mundo para hacer preguntas o responder a ellas, aprender e interactuar directamente con el personal de GitHub Enterprise Server. Para comenzar la conversación, consulta "GitHub Community Support".

Communicating on GitHub Enterprise Server

GitHub Enterprise Server provides built-in collaborative communication tools, allowing you to interact closely with your community when building great software. For example, you can contribute to another user's project by creating a pull request, or use issues to track bugs or suggest ideas in a repository. You can also brainstorm new ideas with your team with discussions.

For an overview of these tools, see "Quickstart for communicating on GitHub."

Participating in organizations

Organizations are shared accounts where businesses and open-source projects can collaborate across many projects at once. Owners and administrators can establish teams with special permissions, have a public organization profile, and keep track of activity within the organization. For more information, see "About organizations."

From your dashboard, click the drop down menu of your username on the left side of your dashboard. Here, you can view organizations that you are a part of and easily switch between them.

Switch account context dropdown

Exploring other projects on GitHub

You can discover new and interesting projects on GitHub's Explore page. You can star interesting projects to make them easy to find again later. Visit your stars page to see all your starred projects. For more information about stars, see "Saving repositories with stars."

Your dashboard feed displays projects based on your interests including repositories you star, people you follow, and your contributions to public repositories. From your dashboard, you can see trending projects, view topics, and check out collections.

To explore more projects, see "Explore GitHub (https://[hostname]/explore)".

Next steps

You are now connected to the GitHub Enterprise Server community. There are other ways to interact and build within GitHub Enterprise Server.

  • La sincronización de los repositorios GitHub con tu equipo te permite trabajar de forma local y enviar los cambios a GitHub. Para obtener más información, consulta "Configurar Git".

  • La creación de un repositorio para el proyecto permite almacenar código en GitHub. Esto proporciona una copia de seguridad del trabajo que puedes elegir compartir con otros desarrolladores. Para obtener más información, consulta «Creación de un repositorio».

  • La bifurcación de un repositorio te permitirá realizar cambios en otro repositorio sin afectar al original. Para obtener más información, vea "Bifurcación de un repositorio".

  • GitHub conecta a los usuarios y te permite interactuar con otros proyectos. Para obtener más información sobre cómo contribuir al proyecto de otro usuario, consulta "Contribución a proyectos".

  • GitHub tiene una excelente comunidad de soporte técnico en la que puede pedir ayuda y hablar con usuarios de todo el mundo. Únete a la conversación en GitHub Community.