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此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 已停止服务 2022-10-12. 即使针对重大安全问题,也不会发布补丁。 为了获得更好的性能、更高的安全性和新功能,请升级到最新版本的 GitHub Enterprise。 如需升级帮助,请联系 GitHub Enterprise 支持


组织适合在您的公司内创建不同的用户组,例如部门或参与相似项目的组。 属于组织的公共和内部仓库可供企业中其他组织中的成员访问,而私有仓库只能供被授予访问权限的组织成员访问。
  • 配置组织成员关系的可见性

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  • 阻止用户创建组织


  • Requiring two-factor authentication for an organization

    You can require organization members and outside collaborators to enable two-factor authentication for their personal accounts in an organization, making it harder for malicious actors to access an organization's repositories and settings.

  • Creating teams

    Teams give organizations the ability to create groups of members and control access to repositories. Team members can be granted read, write, or admin permissions to specific repositories.

  • Adding people to teams

    Once a team has been created, organization admins can add users from your GitHub Enterprise Server instance to the team and determine which repositories they have access to.

  • 从团队和组织中移除用户

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  • Restoring a deleted organization

    You can partially restore an organization that was previously deleted on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance.

  • 使用 Jira 管理项目

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  • Continuous integration using Jenkins

    You can automatically trigger build jobs on a Jenkins server when pushes are made to a repository in your GitHub Enterprise Server instance.