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About teams

Teams are groups of organization members that reflect your company or group's structure with cascading access permissions and mentions.

List of teams in an organization

Organization owners and team maintainers can give teams admin, read, or write access to organization repositories. Organization members can send a notification to an entire team by mentioning the team's name. Organization members can also send a notification to an entire team by requesting a review from that team. Organization members can request reviews from specific teams with read access to the repository where the pull request is opened. Teams can be designated as owners of certain types or areas of code in a CODEOWNERS file.

For more information, see:

Image of a team mention

You can also use LDAP Sync to synchronize 您的 GitHub Enterprise Server 实例 team members and team roles against your established LDAP groups. This lets you establish role-based access control for users from your LDAP server instead of manually within 您的 GitHub Enterprise Server 实例. For more information, see "Enabling LDAP Sync."

Team visibility


  • 可见团队可供每个组织成员查看并 @提及
  • 机密团队只对团队中的人员和拥有所有者权限的人可见。 它们非常适合隐藏团队的敏感名称或成员,例如用于与外部伙伴或客户合作的名称。 机密团队不能嵌套在父团队下,也不能有子团队。

You can view all the teams you belong to on your personal dashboard. For more information, see "About your personal dashboard."

Team pages

Each team has its own page within an organization. On a team's page, you can view team members, child teams, and the team's repositories. Organization owners and team maintainers can access team settings and update the team's description and profile picture from the team's page.

Organization members can create and participate in discussions with the team. For more information, see "About team discussions."

Team page listing team members and discussions

Nested teams

You can reflect your group or company's hierarchy within your GitHub Enterprise Server organization with multiple levels of nested teams. A parent team can have multiple child teams, while each child team only has one parent team. You cannot nest secret teams.

Child teams inherit the parent's access permissions, simplifying permissions management for large groups. Members of child teams also receive notifications when the parent team is @mentioned, simplifying communication with multiple groups of people.

For example, if your team structure is Employees > Engineering > Application Engineering > Identity, granting Engineering write access to a repository means Application Engineering and Identity also get that access. If you @mention the Identity Team or any team at the bottom of the organization hierarchy, they're the only ones who will receive a notification.

Teams page with a parent team and child teams

To easily understand who shares a parent team's permissions and mentions, you can see all of the members of a parent team's child teams on the Members tab of the parent team's page. Members of a child team are not direct members of the parent team.

Parent team page with all members of child teams

You can choose a parent when you create the team, or you can move a team in your organization's hierarchy later. For more information see, "Moving a team in your organization’s hierarchy."

作为优化配置的一部分,LDAP 同步不会� 输您的嵌套团队结构。 要创建子团队与父团队的关系,必须手动重新创建嵌套团队结构并将其与相应的 LDAP 组同步。 更多信息请参阅“创建团队”。

Preparing to nest teams in your organization

If your organization already has existing teams, you should audit each team's repository access permissions before you nest teams above or below it. You should also consider the new structure you'd like to implement for your organization.

At the top of the team hierarchy, you should give parent teams repository access permissions that are safe for every member of the parent team and its child teams. As you move toward the bottom of the hierarchy, you can grant child teams additional, more granular access to more sensitive repositories.

  1. Remove all members from existing teams
  2. Audit and adjust each team's repository access permissions and give each team a parent
  3. Create any new teams you'd like to, choose a parent for each new team, and give them repository access
  4. Add people directly to teams

Further reading